Making Progress Two Kids at a Time

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last weekend I went skiing with my son and seven of his friends. Yikes, eight teenagers are a handful! The boys and girls I was with reminded me of puppies--they had high highs and low lows. The highs were accompanied by loud music, lots of laughter, drinking too much soda, and eating gigantic proportions of food. The lows were hard to wake up kids in the morning and sleeping kids after skiing on the drive back to where we stayed. When skiing I did not see much of my son or his friends. They went one way and I suspect wanted to strike out on their own without adult supervision. I cannot blame them too much as this is exactly what I would have done if I were seventeen and had my girlfriend with me as my son did. We all had a great time and I particularly enjoyed the evenings as I was able to socialize with friends while my son did the same thing with his peers.

The weekend was enhanced by good weather and the snow condition when skiing was excellent. The weekend for me had two highlights.

First, we skied at Sugarbush, Mt. Ellen. I skied with Vermont Adaptive and was lucky to have two great instructors. While all the instructors at Vermont Adaptive are good I happen to have a good rapport with the two people I went skiing with. I am proud to report I continue to make progress and have gotten over much of the fear I once had. I truly trust my equipment to do what it is supposed to do and spent most of the day on intermediate terrain. The best part of the trip though was making it to the top of the mountain. The lower mountain was socked in by clouds. It was pretty foggy and we heard it was clear at the top. Relying on iffy second hand reports we took the lift to the top of the mountain and at the second to last stanchion broke through the clouds. A crystal clear blue sky and trees covered in snow and ice were a sight to behold. I was not the only person to be amazed by the beauty. A group of people stopped near the lift and were looking at the cloud covered valley below. It was truly breath taking and something that I hope to never forget. When I see a sight like that I realize what gift life is and how marvelous nature can be.

Second, at the start of one run we stopped to discuss what direction we were going to go when I noticed two small girls skiing with their father. I was obviously fascinating to them as they were flat out starring at me in wonder and burning with curiosity. I caught their eye, said hello and asked them if they had any questions. Delight spread across their faces and they wanted to know how I skied, got on and off the lift, and if it was fun to sit ski. Their father looked mortified and I hope the broad smile on my face was evidence that his kids questions were welcome. I assure these girls skiing was fun, that with a little help getting and off the lift was no problem and asked them if they would like to watch me go and ski first. This delighted them even more and now the pressure was on! I had better not fall, spend any time traversing, and show them what I could do. I am happy to report that I did well and went about half way down the mountain before stopping and was delighted to see that the two kids had followed me the entire way. When we chatted again I told them that this time I was going to follow them and wanted to see how good they were. This too delighted the girls and off they went.

My experience getting off the lift that revealed a brilliant blue ski and short exchange with the two kids emphasized why skiing is so much fun for me personally and has the potential to change the way people perceive disability. The two kids I met on the slopes thought I was cool. They did not care one iota that I used a wheelchair and could not walk. They saw a person skiing in a different way and wanted to know if it was fun. This was innocent curiosity and open mindedness at is best. I would like to think those two kids will remember my broad smile, willingness to answer questions, and assurance that sit skiing is fun. And for most people the point of skiing is to have fun. So today days after skiing and getting back to work I still have a smile on my face. I changed the world or maybe at least influenced two little kids and saw a magnificent sight that is etched in my mind. I did all this and enabled my son to have an awesome weekend as well. Life is feeling really good right now.

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