Becoming a Social Butterfly

Friday, May 14, 2010

I am not the most social person in the world. When I mentioned this to my son he laughed out loud and said "Dad, you are not social, you are anti-social and don't like people". It was my turn to laugh and admit my son was correct. I do not like to socialize and do my best to avoid groups of people. I will also admit there are many people I meet and must interact with that I do not like. The reason I am "anti-social" in my son's estimation are personal a practical. I struggle to keep up in groups--my mind does not work fast enough to enjoy much less participate in conversations. It does not help that much of the conversation takes place about two feet above my head and I miss much of what is said. But truth be told, I much prefer the company of one or two other people. When invited to parties or conferences I routinely turn down such opportunities. This has me wondering why I am thinking about attending a large event. Here I refer to the Disability Power and Pride Gala Celebration to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the ADA to be held on July 26.

I had thought of having a small party on July 26 at my home. But virtually no one I know would appreciate the significance of the event. When I saw the announcement for the Disability Power and Pride Gala my first thought was that I would never go to such an event. This party is for rich and connected crippled people. It is held in Washington and surely must cost a fortune to attend. Afterall it is not a party but a gala. Galas are expensive. To confirm my prejudice I looked up how much tickets to the gala cost. Much to my chagrin they were $100 a seat. I figured the cost would be five to ten times higher. My next thought was that I could live with spending $100 for a ticket given the fact I would be surrounded by people that appreciate the significance of the ADA. What in the world is going on with me? Yes, $100 is a lot of money but not when compared to the cost of a ticket to a professional sporting event or show on Broadway in New York. I think spending $100 to attend a gala, not a party or celebration mind you, is reasonable. Thus I am impressed. The gala organizers are not looking to attract only rich crippled people as I mistakenly assumed. I also heard that the first Inaugural Ball held in 2009 was a big success. I spoke to a person that attended and saw clips of performances on You Tube. So, maybe I will go to the gala. Does this mean I am turning into a social butterfly? When I expressed this sentiment to my son he gave me a withering look of disdain only a teenager can deliver to a parent and said "Dad, for you becoming a social butterfly is just not going to happen--ever". Now those are fighting words. I think I may go just to shock my son.

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