Wound Care: The Final Entry

Monday, May 23, 2011

My original wound from last Fall is healed. Yes, my long experience with wound care has come to a halt. My right hip, the large grossly infected hip wound is officially gone. I will have quite the scar to remind me to be exceedingly careful. I am by no means going to simply hop up and resume my old schedule. That will take time and patience. But the life threatening original problem is gone. I am happy in the extreme. I can move my bed out of my living room and into the bedroom. I can put all my furniture back. I can actually relax when sitting. Today is a big day! I did not get here alone however. I had world class help from my family, friends, and the wound care people at Northern Westchester Hospital. The big question now is the future: how to never ever put myself in this position again. I am going to be cautious in the extreme. Going out today and buying the biggest mirror I can find for self examination. But for now it is party time!

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