Panel for matching Fukushima to Indian Point
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
That anti-nuke section discussion commanded by former NRC head person Greg Jaczko went off just about as anticipated today, with Jaczko claiming that localizedizedized stakeholders should get together shortly to organise for the closure of the vegetation. You'll forgive us if we plead to differ. In the meantime, another previous NRC head person, Dale Klein, issued the following declaration through NY locality in relation to how many members of the panel tried to compare a promise accident at Indian issue with the misfortune at Fukushima Daiichi:
“Comparing the misfortune at Fukushima Daiichi to a hypothetical misfortune at Indian Point or Pilgrim is intellectually dishonest and resembles the classic worry mongering proposed to create pointless anxiety. The added safety schemes and security methods supplemented to the US nuclear power plants after the 9/11 attacks have substantially enhanced their ability to handle the decrease of off-site power, decrease of the crisis diesel generators, and the loss of back-up electric electric battery supplies. Just like automobiles today have additional security characteristics contrasted to the 1970s designs, todays US nuclear power plants have added substantial security schemes from their primary concepts. The nuclear power plants at Fukushima Daiichi did not have the same improved security schemes as implemented at our US atomic power plants. matching the US atomic power plants to those that have not supplemented new safety schemes and methods is simply wrong.”