Whats happening in the world of Retailing

Saturday, January 29, 2011

  1. Groupon - daily deal site is gaining popularity each day with better deals and more redemptions. It has now expanded in India, Israel, Malaysia and South Africa
  2. Facebook is letting marketers be more and more innovative through the use of its site. Recent example, Facebook lets marketers turn consumers interaction (comments) be turned into ads, Marketers acknowledge learning a lot about their products from facebook discussions.
  3. Marketers are dubious about the quality of their customer data/information even though they have a documented data quality strategy
  4. Online retail sales to increase at an average rate of 10% from 2010 to 2015 and will reach $280 billion dollars in US by 2015.
  5. Free shipping is a standard option for retailers with minor variations
  6. Oracle buys ATG for almost 1 billion dollars cash, with this Oracle will get to strengthen its back-end retail services like customer relationship management, order management and supply chain management.


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