My day has been spent with wound care people and about a million calls to arrange logistics of my care. Tomorrow I hope to catch up on email and bills. My God the bills are daunting. But that is not what I want to write about. I read over my posts since I got sick and am taken aback by the support of my readers. Your words have moved me deeply and I am sure I will take up some offers for books and other support. I never cease to be amazed by the vibrancy of the disability community and how willing they are to lend a hand. It is not just the well known groups I admire such as ADAPT and Not Dead Yet but all the other seemingly nameless people moving forward too. I truly love this amorphous cyber community of people with a disability that supports one and advocates for the civil rights we value.
I wish I could write more but I have transportation issues. I need to see the MD next week. A round trip via ambulance is not covered by insurance and will cost $1200. Obviously I need to figure out a back up plane. No idea yet what this backup plan will entail.